What should I feed my baby or toddler after 12 months?

  • Can easily use their hands and fingers to feed themselves.
  • Can hold a cup with two hands and drink from it.
  • Has molar teeth starting to appear. Molar teeth are the larger teeth at the back of the mouth which are used to chew food.
  • Can bite through a variety of different foods and chew well.

Food ideas

  • Breads (such as pita, rÄ“wena, chapatti or bread rolls) cut to a size that your toddler can easily hold and eat.
  • Small sandwiches with thinly-sliced fillings or a thin layer of easy-to-spread ingredients (eg, yeast spread).
  • Soft pieces of fruit and vegetables such as banana or cooked carrot.
  • Finely grated raw fruit and vegetables such as carrot or apple.
  • Finely chopped salad vegetables such as lettuce or cucumber.
  • Yoghurt or slices of cheese.
  • Tender, finely chopped lean meat, chicken, seafood or egg.
  • Soft, slightly mashed legumes such as cooked chick peas or canned kidney beans.
  • Breakfast cereals (remove very hard foods like whole nuts or hard dried fruit).