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Mandala leaf art
Use colourful autumn leaves to make a mandala or geometric pattern in your garden or local park.
Neighbourhood scavenger hunt
Take your scavenger hunt outdoors and have fun exploring your local neighbourhood.
Tafue - Jump rope
A traditional Samoan children's game and a kiwi favourite. Jump rope is a fun outdoor game for children of all ages.
Playing hopscotch is a fun and easy outdoor game for kids of any age. Younger children may need to jump with two feet or hold an adult’s hand to hop between the squares.
Play hot lava
Use your imagination and escape an active volcano. But be careful not to touch the hot lava.
Build an obstacle course
This fun indoor kids game using furniture and other household items is great for a rainy day.
Everyone loves making bubbles
Blowing bubbles using a wire loop or wand is fun for kids and adults of all ages. Have a competition to see who can make the biggest bubbles. Find out how easy it is to make bubble mixture at home .
Play indoor bowls at home
A much cheaper alternative than taking the family ten-pin bowling on a rainy day.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunts can be played anytime, anywhere by children of all ages.
Thread the needle
This is a fun team game using a hula hoop.
Build a fort
Building a fort is an easy and fun rainy day activity using everyday household items like sheets and chairs. Once you have built your fort, it can be fun to have a picnic or play a game inside.
Indoor games with balloons
All you need is a packet of balloons and your imagination. Make sure you have more than one balloon, as they don’t always last long before popping.
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